Chronic Disease Management Through Telemedicine

Chronic Disease Management Through Telemedicine

Chronic diseases are long-term conditions that usually progress slowly over time. This includes conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, and arthritis, among many others. Chronic Disease Management (CDM) is ongoing care and support to assist patients impacted by a chronic health condition with the medical care, knowledge, skills, and resources they need to better manage daily basis. Chronic patients require continuous monitoring and which can be achieved by Telemedicine or commonly called as teleconsultation.

Chronic Diseases in Numbers

Over 200 million people or 20% of Indian population suffers from the chronic disease, In one of the studies, it is observed that economic burden of three diseases Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke has caused India 237 Billion dollars in lost income between 2005 to 2015.
The burden due to these NCD (Non Communicable disease) is huge and Telemedicine can actually solve many of the issues surrounding the management of these chronic illnesses for both patients and physicians.
Telemedicine has been gaining momentum and many healthcare providers are looking to adopt this evolving technology. The previous article we saw why care providers should adopt Telemedicine. Telemedicine can help hospitals/healthcare providers to attract/retain the patients, help to reduce cost and reduce the readmission rates.
Currently, the focus of government, providers, payers is to provide value-based care to the patients, using telemedicine can surely help providers to provide value-based care to their patients.  For chronic patients, telemedicine helps them to be in touch with doctors . This gives them engaging experience and helps them to be in more control. More control by patients means more focus on individual health.

Telemedicine grants patients with chronic diseases a way to:

  • Reduce trips to the Clinic/Hospital
  • Save money
  • Increase their access to care
  • Save time
  • Receive care from the comfort of their own home
  • Feel Empowered.

About Heallify

Heallify Telemedicine provides healthcare providers to adopt telemedicine in private clinic settings or large hospitals. Heallify telemedicine comes with secure and 99% uptime and with inbuilt integration with Heallify EHR and practices management platform.
The integrated platform enables providers to give e-prescription and ability to pay faster. The patient pays first and then can schedule a teleconsultation visit.
Heallify Telemedicine is also integrated with AI-based symptom checker platform “AVA” which helps patients to understand symptoms and can help to schedule a teleconsultation.
Heallify helps hospitals and practices with the custom solution which can integrate with a hospital EHR system.


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